RSS Protest Survey
Stay tuned for the latest updates on the protest survey networkSat, 08 Oct 2022 11:40:16 +0000
"; else
$afb = "";
$titel = $row[title];
$url = "$row[id]"; //however you would link to your article
$bericht = filter($row[content]);
// Clean the description:
$bericht = strip_tags($bericht);
$bericht = filter2($bericht);
//$bericht = str_replace ("&"," ",htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($bericht)));
// Pass tags to describe the product (this has been left out of this example)
//$rss_tags = 'tag1, tag2';
//makes a 500 character long copy of the desciption - a teaser of your content for people to read
$bericht = "$afb". substr($bericht,0,500) . "...";
//to record when the feed was published
$timestamp = date("U", "$row[input_date]");
//converts the timestamp into a RSS-friendly format
$pubdate = date("r", $timestamp);
//outputs the RSS item
echo "".$titel."
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
} //end of the for-loop