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- , Spokesperson
- , Spokesperson
- Almeida, Paul
- Almeida, Paul
- Andretta, Massimo
- Anduiza, Eva
- Bosi, Lorenzo
- Cisar, Ondrej
- Cristancho, Camilo
- Damen, Marie-Louise
- Della Porta, Donatella
- Eggert, Nina
- Giugni, Marco
- Gomez, Cristina
- Grasso, Maria
- Inclan, Maria
- Ketelaars, Pauline
- Klandermans, Bert
- Milan, Stefania
- Navratil, Jiri
- Olcese, Cristiana
- Peterson, Abby
- Rainsford, Emily
- Reiter, Herbert
- Rodriguez, Mauro
- Rootes, Chris
- Rossi, Federico
- Sabucedo, Jose-Manuel
- Saunders, Clare
- van Leeuwen, Anouk
- van Stekelenburg, Jacquelien
- van Troost, Dunya
- Vrablikova, Katerina
- Wahlström, Mattias
- Walgrave, Stefaan
- Wennerhag, Magnus
- Wouters, Ruud
Donatella Della Porta
Professor of Sociology
European University Institute
Department of Political and Social Sciences
via dei Roccettini 9
San Domenico di Fiesole (FI)
[+39] 055 4685 240/233 (work)
[+39] 055 4685 201 (fax)
Donatella Della Porta is professor of sociology in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute. She is on leave of absence from the University of Florence, where she was full professor of Political Science, president of the corso di laurea in Administrative Sciences, and Director of the Department of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Florence.
Professor Della Porta received a DiplĂ´me d'Etudes Approfondies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales of Paris and a Ph.D in political and social sciences at the European University Institute in Florence.
Her main research interests concern social movements, political violence, terrorism, corruption, police and policies of public order. On these issues she has conducted investigations in Italy, France, Germany and Spain.
Professor Della Porta has been appointed to the Chair in Sociology, and joined the Department of Political and Social Sciences on 1 April 2003.
For more information, visit Donatella della Porta's webpage.
Country-team: Italy
- Donatella della Porta and Herbert Reiter. Desperately seeking politics: political attitudes of participants in three demonstrations for workers’ rights in Italy