Panel Presentations at IPSA (July 11th, 2012)
news 10 August 2012
Panel: Political Protest and Political Change (chair: prof. Marco Giugni) Panel: Political Protest and Political Change: The Role of Digital Media (chair: prof. Eva Anduiza)
Dr. Clare Saunders on BBC Radio
news 14 December 2010
UK Principal Investigator, Dr. Clare Saunders (University of Southampton), was on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme (Sat 11 December) discussing the use of kettling tactics and violence in the recent London student demonstrations. Follow this link: <link>…
BOOK OUT NOW: The World Says No to War
news 4 March 2010

The World Says No to War studies the rally against the invasion of Iraq in 2003 to understand who spoke out, why they did, and how so many people were mobilized for a global demonstration. The contributors analyze how the new tools of the Internet were combined with conventional means of mobilization to rally millions around common goals and against common targets. “Stefaan Walgrave…
Protest Survey Panel at the ECPR General Conference in Potsdam
news 4 August 2009

At the 2009 ECPR General Conference the Protest Survey network organizes a special panel on the issue of protest surveys. More information can be found here. Here is the abstract of the panel: The study of political protest and contentious politics has been mainly…