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category: peer-reviewed article

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The Homogenization of “Old” and “New” Social Movements: A Comparison of Participants in May Day and Climate Change Demonstrations

author(s) | Nina Eggert and Marco Giugni

journal | Mobilization

publication year | 2012     volume | 17     issue | 3

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abstract | We assess whether the distinction between old and new social movements still holds by examining the social class and value orientations of participants in old and new social movement protests. We argue that new cleavages emerged from globalization which affect electoral politics also impact on contentious politics, thereby having a homogenization effect on the structural basis of movements of the left. Moreover, we hypothesize that traditional cleavages such as the class cleavage mediate the homogenization effect of new cleavages. We look at participants in May Day and Climate Change demonstrations in Belgium and Sweden, two countries with a different strength of the class cleavage. Results show that homogenization is actually occurring when comparing old and new social movements, and that this effect is more important when the class cleavage is stronger.

country project | The Netherlands

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