- Argentina
- Belgium
- Central America
- Chili
- Czech Republic
- Italy
- Mexico
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- The Netherlands
- United Kingdom

- , Spokesperson
- , Spokesperson
- Almeida, Paul
- Almeida, Paul
- Andretta, Massimo
- Anduiza, Eva
- Bosi, Lorenzo
- Cisar, Ondrej
- Cristancho, Camilo
- Damen, Marie-Louise
- Della Porta, Donatella
- Eggert, Nina
- Giugni, Marco
- Gomez, Cristina
- Grasso, Maria
- Inclan, Maria
- Ketelaars, Pauline
- Klandermans, Bert
- Milan, Stefania
- Navratil, Jiri
- Olcese, Cristiana
- Peterson, Abby
- Rainsford, Emily
- Reiter, Herbert
- Rodriguez, Mauro
- Rootes, Chris
- Rossi, Federico
- Sabucedo, Jose-Manuel
- Saunders, Clare
- van Leeuwen, Anouk
- van Stekelenburg, Jacquelien
- van Troost, Dunya
- Vrablikova, Katerina
- Wahlström, Mattias
- Walgrave, Stefaan
- Wennerhag, Magnus
- Wouters, Ruud
Jose-Manuel Sabucedo
Professor of Social Psychology
University of Santiago de Compostela
Campus Sur
Campus Universitario S/N
Santiago de Compostela
981 563100 (ext. 13789) (work)
José-Manuel Sabucedo is Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. His main research interest are: political protest, political communication and the legitimization of political violence. He is editor of the journal "Revista de Psicologa Social"
In this research project he is the PI of the Spanish team
Country-team: Spain
- Abby Peterson, Mattias Wahlström, Magnus Wennerhag, Camilo Christancho and José-Manuel Sabucedo. May Day Demonstrations in Five European Countries
- Eva Anduiza, Camilo Cristancho, Jose M. Sabucedo. Mobilization through Online Social Networks: the political protest of the indignados in Spain